CS 1.6 Wall Aim Hack with Download Links 2019[100% WORKING] - Finfowe
This hack is 100% working and today I will also show you the proof.Further,it is Free and safe for your PC.Feel free to download this hack. ➽Lets Get started. Step 1: You have to download these two files ⧫Super Simple wall hack v7.3 [File size 124KB] ⧫R-Aimbot v1.0 [File size 21KB] After you have downloaded these two files,extract both files. Password for extracting is : www.tobys.dk It is same for both files Now Open R-Aimbot,black window will appear.[Do not do anything with it] Then open the Super simple wallhack[Loader window will open] At the same time,Open CS 1.6 and start your game.When you are all set,Minimize your game and click on the LOAD button in the loader window.If the windows disappears on clicking load button then it worked.By the way it is always working perfect. ➥Now you have activated the hack...